They collected the linen and plunged it into your beloved and indispensable assistant in everyday life, which carefully guards your velvet arms. Set the required mode and run the start program. As a result, instead of adequate work, your assistant stopped and displayed a failure with the abbreviation H1 / H2 / HE1 / E5 / E6 / HE2 on her display. Mainly, such a malfunction is displayed after plus or minus 15 minutes, and occasionally it can be displayed immediately after startup. It should be noted that with such a malfunction, the unit can safely wash in ordinary water, without heating (30 ° C). In rare cases, the device even brings the water to a boil.
Note! You need to distinguish between the symbols and the meaning of the malfunctions, so the combination of symbols 2H is a completely different informative malfunction, which notifies you of a stop and indicates the time remaining until the end of the set mode, 5E - drain failure, 6E - no start (no start selected modes).
Samsung washing machines, in which the manufacturer does not provide a display, will notify of a malfunction with the help of a characteristic LED illumination: LED bulbs of all washing programs and temperature indicators located in the center and responsible for 40 ° C and 60 ° C or 30 ° C blink and 60 C.
Fault value
Combinations of characters that always begin with “H” - H1, H2, HE, HE1, HE2 indicate that your device cannot properly heat the water (the problem is related to the heater), i.e. the temperature control sensor does not fulfill its purpose (the water does not heat up or has a very high temperature, which exceeds the set individually for a particular program). As a result, the device can only work adequately in those modes in which cold water is used, without heating. In all other modes, the indicated fault is displayed.
Pay your attention! Ciphers E5, E6 are suitable only for the first modifications of Samsung units, which were produced in the period up to 2007 inclusive.
The malfunction of water heating has its own gradation. The breakdown code H1 / HE1 is displayed when:
- Within 2 minutes after the start of operation of the electric heating element, the water is heated higher than 40 ° C;
- For no reason, the water is heated to a temperature exceeding 95 ° C;
As a result, your device cannot control the operation of the heating element, so very often it brings the water to a boiling point or close to it in value.
Malfunction H 2 / HE 2 is displayed when:
- for a plus or minus 10 minutes, the heater heats the water by no more than 2 ° C;
as a result, such an abbreviation signals a malfunction of the heating element.
Please note that basically such a problem can only be fixed by professionals, washing machine repair specialists. However, there are troubleshooting options that you can handle your efforts.
Damage to H2, HE2, H1, HE1, E5, E6, what needs to be done to carry out repair work without professional intervention
- Incorrect connection to the mains. The unit must be connected directly or through a voltage regulator. In no case do not use extension cords, tees.
- Software crash. Force reboot. Disconnect the plug from the outlet for a period of plus or minus 10 minutes.Then restart the device. It should begin to work safely.
- Violation of the integrity of the contact circuit of a special heater. Inspect the contact connections in the area from the control module to the electric heating element. Disconnect and reconnect the loop contacts. Very often, such problems arise after transportation or the lack of proper installation of the machine. Then the machine should start working.
Have you followed all the recommendations? Is there no result? Does the malfunction continue to flash? Does the machine still not work? Then you definitely need to seek professional help. Call the master for the repair of large household appliances (washing machines).