Today it is difficult to imagine a civilized house without a refrigerator, because this integral part of the kitchen helps to preserve the freshness of the products. Since the variety of options offered is great, you should deal with the basic types that are most popular among people.
Types of refrigerators on the market
- Models not supplemented by a freezer. Refrigerators of the indicated plan are small and their height does not exceed 1 meter. They are used to store greens and fruits, because they create temperatures from +2 to +14. Quite rarely, such objects can be found in apartments, because the unit is often purchased for use in suburban areas;
- With a freezer. Variants of this type are considered classic, because they contain a department for storing food and freezing. It is important that it be large enough for the needs of the user;
- Household. Objects are created for long-term storage of products in the freezing mode, therefore they are caught in the form of a chest or chest;
- Freezers. The devices are quite high (about 2 meters), complemented by horizontal shelves, and some modifications are equipped with special trays for storing fruits.
Prices for refrigerators vary from the type and from the functions performed by devices, because some models have the option of autonomously preserving the cold. The feature allows you to keep the temperature below 9 degrees below zero for a certain period (maximum 30 hours). Some models have special cold accumulators inside, which keep cold and maintain a certain temperature. An innovative antibacterial coating is used by manufacturers quite often, because we are talking about a special coating inside the refrigerator with inorganic silver compounds, which have a lot of advantages. The mentioned layer protects the microclimate of the device from the formation of negative microorganisms, from the appearance of “pleasant” aromas, extends the shelf life of products, has no smell and does not require replacement.
Built-in TVs or LCD panels with Wi-Fi access allow you to quickly track news, watch recipes and simply enjoy music. Certain models are equipped with a dispenser that supplies cool drinking water. A special lock on the door prevents young children from getting into the refrigerator or changing any of its settings.