A gas stove is an indispensable technique in the kitchen of every housewife, which, unfortunately, tends to get dirty quite quickly during cooking. Absolutely any part of it can be covered with dirt, fat and soot, but to a different degree. And this greatly deteriorates her appearance. But the main problem is not in the visual cleanliness of the device, but in the fact that the resulting fat and soot during further cooking will release harmful substances. It is for this reason that it is recommended that the stove is always kept clean. This article details how to clean the grill of your gas stove.
How to effectively clean your gas stove?
Many housewives wonder how to properly clean the grill and burner near the gas stove. At home, this problem can be dealt with using alkali, acid and abrasive particles. Each of these tools does its job perfectly, but how complicated the whole process will be depends on the degree of contamination of the grate from the gas stove. For instance:
- Using abrasive agents in the form of soda, river sand, cleaning powder to clean a heavily soiled grate, you need to first soak it and leave it for a while, and then proceed to remove the consequences of cooking.
- Means containing an alkaline or acid composition will do their job much faster, but you need to resort to them only in extreme cases, when it is not possible to clean the grate by other methods.
Note! To prevent damage to the coating of the grill, it is best to start processing it immediately after particles of grease or carbon have fallen on it. It is recommended to carry out a cleaning event immediately after the completion of the preparatory process.
Before embarking on the process itself, it is recommended to free the entire surface of the stove from burners and handles, grills.
In addition, you need to remove the nozzles, but it is not recommended to do this until the stove has cooled down.
The best ways to combat fat and soot
Lattices are made of various materials. The most common include the following:
- From stainless steel.
- Made of enameled steel.
- Cast iron.
To date, many options have been discovered that help to clean the kitchen gas stove of only applied or old pollution.
Soda as a cleaning agent
Soda is the most common material that is often used by many housewives in everyday life. The whole process of purification looks like this:
- soda is diluted with water until gruel is obtained. Then this composition is applied to the contaminated surface;
- within an hour, soda should eat fat and soot;
- when enough time has passed, the grate is wiped first with a hard brush, and then with a soft sponge.
After the end of all actions, when the entire composition is washed off, under a large pressure of water, the grate will acquire a new clean look.
Steam as a cleaning agent
Cleaning the grate of a gas stove with steam is the safest and most gentle way due to the fact that no chemical elements are used. In addition, during this method, the hostess does not need to exert much effort.
To remove steam contaminants, you can use a portable steam generator with a nozzle in the form of a round brush. All contaminants are easily softened under a stream of hot steam. After that, using a regular cleaning agent and a brush, it is easy enough to remove any remaining dirt from the grate.
Boiling water as a cleaning agent
To eliminate fat and soot from the grate of a gas stove using boiling water, you will need to do the following:
- The oven is heated to maximum temperature.
- A baking sheet is selected on which the grid fits completely.
- Water is poured into the pan until it covers the entire surface of the grid.
- Leave the baking sheet in the oven for a while.
- After sufficient heating of the water, the grease and soot will detach from the bars of the grate.
- After the objects have cooled, the rods are wiped with a rag or brush to remove any remaining dirt.
Mustard as a cleaning agent
To get rid of fat on the grill, you can use hot powder (mustard). To do this, the following actions are performed:
- a large amount of water is applied to the grate;
- mustard is mixed with water until a paste-like consistency is obtained;
- the finished composition is applied to each rod of the lattice and set aside for several hours for soaking;
- the grill is wiped with a stiff brush and all contamination is finally eliminated.
Gel "Anti-fat" as a cleanser
This method of purification is quite simple and does not require much effort:
- Each rod is evenly gelled in large quantities.
- The time indicated in the instructions is expected.
- The entire grate is wiped with a sponge and washed under high pressure.
Attention! Since chemicals negatively affect human skin and can lead to severe irritation, it is recommended to use special gloves during such procedures.
Vinegar as a cleanser
Before you start using this method, you need to open all the windows in the apartment. This must be done so that a sharp chemical smell does not get into the respiratory tract. Fat and carbon dissolve with vinegar in this way:
- The grid is completely placed in a deep pan and filled with vinegar.
- In this position, she should lie about 2 hours.
- All remaining dirt is removed with a normal rag.
Ammonia as a cleaning agent
For those who are not afraid of the pungent smell of ammonia, you can use it to clean the grate. She rubbed them, wrapped in a plastic bag and left overnight. In the morning, all contaminants will soften and they can already be easily removed with a sponge.
How to clean gas stove hobs
Since the burner is not a solid object and has a base, a flame divider, burner covers, they must also be carefully and regularly processed. To clean all the elements, in particular the burners at the gas stove, you can use several methods:
- The burners are removed, the dividers are separated and placed in a prepared solution for half an hour (1 part of the detergent is added to 10 parts of ordinary water). If necessary, the soaking time can be increased up to 2 hours. Then all the parts are wiped with a soft sponge, and a thin needle or needle is still used to clean the divider. With severe contamination, you can take a toothbrush to help. After that, all the parts are washed under a cold stream of water, dried, collected and installed in place.
- If the dirt has not been cleaned for several months, then you need to resort to a more crude method of cleaning.To do this, all the components of the burner are lowered into a pre-prepared solution of 9% vinegar and water (2 tablespoons of the solution will be needed for one full glass of water). Then the saucepan with the details in the solution is brought to a boil, removed from the heat and left for 30 minutes. After that, all the elements are taken out, washed with physical efforts and rags, washed under clean running water, dried and collected.