Many housewives face the problem of an old stain on kitchen towels. Normal washing with powder in a washing machine does not always allow you to get rid of them. Meanwhile, food stains give towels an untidy look, they have to be thrown away ahead of time.
To avoid this, you should learn to get rid of stains that have just appeared, or are old. Experienced housewives are advised to use a microwave oven, according to reviews the result from its use is better than from expensive washing powders and bleaches.
So, is it possible to wash old kitchen towels with a lot of old stains in the microwave, and what safety rules should be followed?
Algorithm of actions - how to wash kitchen towels in the microwave
It is not known for certain who came up with the idea of using a microwave to wash dirty towels. However, the idea is very successful, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews and photos of the process on the Internet.
If you think about it, there is nothing surprising in this result. A wet soapy towel is placed in a plastic bag, under the influence of microwaves, the liquid boils in the fibers of the fabric, the effect of the detergent is amplified many times, even old and bright spots are washed off. The same digestion takes place that does not require prolonged standing by the stove over a pot of towels. Using this method, you can not only wash, but also bleach the grayish waffle kitchen towels. It is only important to adhere strictly to technology, and not to forget about safety measures.
How to remove stains from heavily soiled tissue using a microwave
Before starting the manipulation, it is necessary to prepare actually dirty towels (take no more than three pieces per tab), a strong plastic bag of the right size, laundry soap, Antipyatin, powder bleach or dishwashing detergent. The choice of detergents depends on the nature of the stains, as well as on the goals of the hostess. After preparing everything you need, you will need to do the following:
- Towels need to be moistened, and then soaped with laundry soap or Antipyatin. If you need to bleach, then the thing is processed in powder bleach. If we are talking about removing greasy stains, then you should use a dishwashing detergent.
- After that, the towels are placed in a plastic bag, which is left untied.
- The microwave oven is turned on for 90 seconds at a power of 450-500.
- After a signal of readiness, you should evaluate the temperature of the towels. It must be hot. If this did not happen, the above cycle is repeated again.
- Finished items are removed from the microwave with kitchen tongs to avoid burns and scalding with boiling water.
- Towels should either be rinsed several times in running water, or washed in a washing machine in the "Rinse" mode.
- After that, the laundry is hung up to dry completely on the street or balcony.
This method can be used an unlimited number of times. Mistresses note that in this way not only kitchen towels, but also shirts, t-shirts can be put in order.
It is best to wash freshly formed stains with a microwave. To do this, moisten the towel, the places of pollution are treated with laundry soap, and then everything is done strictly according to the instructions.
Many people ask whether it is necessary to use household soap, or is toilet soap also suitable. Unfortunately, to achieve the desired effect, it is important to use household soap varieties, since they contain more surfactants and components that effectively fight pollution.
In the case of powder bleach, an aqueous solution is made in which towels are wetted, and then the procedure is carried out according to the above algorithm. In the same way, you can use a dishwashing detergent, applying it undiluted to the most contaminated areas.
Safety Compliance
If you are erasing or just about to try out the above method, then in addition to strictly following the instructions, you should take care of the safety precautions. This will protect not only the kitchen, but the entire apartment from possible damage, and the hostess will help to avoid burns or accidental injuries.
What you need to do:
- Since it is supposed to use a microwave, and this is an electrical appliance, you should make sure that the socket and plug are in good condition.
- A plastic bag is a flammable object, so heating must be carried out strictly at an average power of no more than 90 seconds. If the towel does not heat up in one session, it should be repeated using the same power and time interval. It is forbidden to increase these indicators in order to avoid spontaneous combustion of the package.
- The best option is to use an old microwave oven in which food is no longer heated. After bleaching and washing, the appliance can retain smells of chemical detergents for a long time, which can negatively affect the taste and aroma of heated dishes.
- When carrying out this manipulation, you can not be distracted or carry it out between things, the package should always be in the field of view of the hostess.
Compliance with the above security measures will help to make the process of washing towels not only simple and quick, but also safe.
Washing towels in the microwave is a little unusual, but very effective method that will help to give pristine whiteness to things and deal with old stains. Thanks to this method, housekeeping will become even easier, and the woman will have more free time for herself and her family. It is important only to strictly adhere to the algorithm for performing this manipulation, as well as to observe precautions.