In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the popularity of farm products, which in turn has prompted many enterprising people to try to organize their own farming.
One of the most popular areas of farming is the breeding of poultry: chickens, geese, quails and so on.
An important issue faced by a novice poultry breeder is the question of how to properly build and equip an egg incubator, because in many respects it depends on how profitable and cost-effective its production will be.
Necessary equipment
If for a conventional “home incubator” sometimes a box, a heat source, a thermometer and a saucer with water are enough to humidify the air, then a more serious approach and specialized equipment are required to create a real high-quality incubator.
The list of required devices includes:
- Devices for measuring and regulating temperature (temperature regulators)
- CO2 sensor - CO2 concentration, affects the rate of development of the embryo, as well as the metabolism of the hatched chick
- Humidity control sensors
Temperature controllers
These devices are compact electronic devices consisting of:
- built-in thermometer
- electronic control unit;
- relay to turn on the heating device.
The basic principle of their work is that they constantly compare the temperature in the incubator with a given optimal value and, in case of inconsistency, regulate the operation of the heating system.
Such devices are necessary for large-scale industrial production, as well as for small farm incubators.
CO2 sensor for incubator
If almost everyone knows about the need for temperature controllers and humidifiers, the significance of sensors that regulate carbon dioxide content is rarely thought of. But after all, without exception, large-scale production, without fail follow this indicator.
Regulation of CO2 in incubators allows you to control the time of hatching chickens. The reason is that with an increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the egg, a fully developed chick begins to try to get out of the shell. When this begins to occur, the oxygen supply should be increased - this allows you to slow down the hatching process, if necessary.
In order for chicks to remain healthy after hatching, it is necessary to maintain an optimal carbon dioxide content.
It was found that the metabolism of birds slows down with an increased content of CO2 in the air, which leads to a decrease in the time and feed spent on growing broilers and layers, which in turn reduces the cost of production and also makes it more environmentally sustainable, as it reduces the ratio of feed for every kilogram of chicken.
Humidity control sensors
A hydrometer or humidity control sensor is also required for incubator equipment. There are a large number of varieties of such devices differing in device, operating principle, accuracy and price.
The main types are:
- Weight
- Hairline
- Film
- Ceramic
The optimal choice of device depends on the specific situation: if you need to equip a small incubator for 40-50 eggs, the simplest and most inexpensive model will do. For large-scale productions from 100 eggs and more, one should take care of acquiring sophisticated professional equipment.The main devices are listed above without which it is impossible to create a high-quality incubator, however, there are still many nuances that depend on the individual characteristics and goals of each specific project.